Fibrain trainings in broadly defined optical telecommunications are a great offer for all companies specializing in telecommunications and related fields. The trainings allow personnel’s education and advances in skill level. Our trainings open the door for the newest technologies and help our partners obtain the knowledge necessary in today’s challenging market. With our experienced and well educated personnel, we are able to meet our Partners’ needs and offer them reliable, practical, and useful qualifications. All our trainings concentrate on the practical part so that the participants are later able to use the knowledge in everyday work. Completing the course is certified with an adequate diploma. A large interest among the audience and the number of participants returning to our other trainings prove the high quality of the courses we offer. Examples of organized trainings are given below.
A training for professionals specializing in optical networks design, exploitation, and measurements, or dealing with optical transmission in an optical fiber. The training focuses on practical understanding of basics of light propagation in optical fibers and the dominating mechanisms of optical signal quality degrading depending on the type of transmission and connection length. The theoretical topics covered during the training include the basics of propagation in optical fibers, the idea of wavelength multiplexing (including the WWDM, CWDM, and DWDM), functionality of fiber optic link compounds (multiplexers, filters, amplifiers, etc.) and a qualitative description of phenomena that distort optical transmission. In the practical part, a simple CWDM link with add/drop filters is built, and measurements of optical signal parameters as well as basic parameters of an exemplary CWDM multiplexer are taken.
Theoretical part:
Practical part:
Duration: 6-8 h
Places: limited
Each participant receives a diploma after completing the course.
A training for professionals specializing in any kind of topics related to optical transmission, especially CWDM and DWDM transmission. The training links the practical approach to optical networks from the side of system functionality (taking into account the newest trends in this field, such as the WSS, signal monitoring in the optical domain, FEC coding, and high rate transmission) with theoretical basics given in an understandable form which are indispensable for designing, specification, measurements, and comparing parameters of optical links. The theoretical topics covered during the training are: required and optional functionality of CWDM and DWDM network nodes, types of optical signal modulation and their operating ranges, optical signal quality metrics (BER, Q-factor, OSNR, delivered power), and phenomena that degrade signal quality depending on the link type, the way they are minimalized, and taking them into account during network design (additional power margin, OSNR, or Q-factor). In the practical part, examples of links limited by dispersion, losses, and OSNR are calculated.
Theoretical part:
Practical part:
Duration: 6-8 h
Places: limited
Each participant receives a diploma after completing the course.
A one-day training dedicated mostly to people who are starting their adventure in the field of fiber optics or who would like to systematize their knowledge. During the training, the basics of light propagation in an optical fiber and major fiber parameters, such as attenuation, dispersions, cut-off wavelength, and nonlinearity are discussed. Different types of single-mode and multi-mode fibers and their typical application domains are compared. A lot of attention is given to fiber connectors: various kinds of connectors, their qualitative parameters (e.g. attenuation and return loss), and degrading mechanisms are described. A large part of the training consists of an overview of the remaining passive optical devices, such as couplers, filters (WWDM, CWDM, DWDM), multiplexers and demultiplexers, isolators and circulators, polarizers and polarization demultiplexers, attenuators, dispersion compensating modules, and active components such as optical amplifiers, switches, transmitters, and receivers. With each of these devices, the operation principle and most importantly the role in the system and major parameters with their measurement methods are discussed. In the practical part, the parameters of the described devices are measured.
Theoretical part:
Practical part:
Duration: 6-8 h
Places: limited