CWDM Filters

A CWDM filter is a device which separates the signal of a single wavelength from many signals transmitted at different wavelengths. Optical signals are sent to the Common port, and separation takes place by transmitting a given wavelength to the Pass port and reflecting the rest of the spectrum to the Reflection fiber.


High thermal stability of parameters

Low insertion and polarization losses

Available with any type of fiber connectors

Delivered with test reports showing the whole spectra profile


WDM systems

ADD/DROP solutions

Telecommunication networks

Optical amplifiers

CATV systems


250 μm output fibers: Ø34x5.5 mm

output fibers in 900 μm coating: Ø38x5.5 mm

output fibers in 0.9/2.0/3.0 mm coating: blackbox 90x20x10 mm